General Motors uses vast quantities of
materials and manufactured products from every state in the Union. A
partial list follows:
Graphite and cotton come from ALABAMA, copper and hides from ARIZONA, lumber and manganese from ARKANSAS, gold, lumber, oil, and pumice from CALIFORNIA, gold, silver and tungsten from COLORADO, machinery from CONNECTICUT, and lacquers and paints from DELAWARE.
Sugar cane products from FLORIDA, pigskin and textiles from GEORGIA, lumber and wool from IDAHO, glass from ILLINOIS, limestone and steel from INDIANA, zinc from IOWA, grain and its by-products from KANSAS, and coal, oil, and porcelain from KENTUCKY.
Lumber, oil, and sulfur from LOUISIANA, paper and wood pulp from MAINE, textiles from MARYLAND and MASSACHUSETTS, copper and lumber from MICHIGAN, and iron and lumber from MINNESOTA.
Cotton from MISSISSIPPI, aluminum, lead and zinc from MISSOURI, copper and oil from MONTANA, hides from NEBRASKA, borax, copper, and silver from NEVADA, textiles and abrasives from NEW HAMPSHIRE, chemicals from NEW JERSEY, copper, hides and silver from NEW MEXICO, and manufactured appliances from NEW YORK.
Turpentine from NORTH CAROLINA, hides from NORTH DAKOTA, lamps, machinery, porcelain, rubber and steel from OHIO, oil and lumber from OKLAHOMA, lumber and wood products from OREGON, steel from PENNSYLVANIA, and machinery from RHODE ISLAND.
Textiles from SOUTH CAROLINA, silver from SOUTH DAKOTA, coal and oil from TENNESSEE, cotton hides, mercury, mohair, oil, and wool from TEXAS, copper from UTAH, paper and machinery from VERMONT, coal and lumber from VIRGINIA, lumber from WASHINGTON, coal from WEST VIRGINIA, lead and paper from WISCONSIN, and hair, oil, and wool from WYOMING.
This exchange of materials from mines, forests, and farms for
manufactured products make more jobs for more people and more widely
distributes the better things of life. It has been aptly said – "What
happens to General Motors happens to me."
Source: GM