Cadillac Cabriolet Speciale (Pininfarina), 1954
Cadillac Pininfarina Cabriolet Speciale, 1954 - Pinin Farina special
Cadillac Sport roadster for Luigi Chinetti, NY Ferrari importer.
Cadillac PF 200 Cabriolet (Pininfarina), 1954 - Essen Motor Show
Painted silver gray with tan leather upholstery, this 2-door, 2-seater
sport roadster is hardly recognizable as a Cadillac. The 1953 Cadillac
wheel discs and the Cadillac emblem on the heavily-chromed oval front
grille give it away, as do to a lesser extent the front bumper "bullets"
and the large, gold "V" on the radiator grille.

Cadillac PF 200 Cabriolet (Pininfarina), 1954